Your Partner in Superior Live Streaming.

Empowering broadcasters globally. Stream with us for outstanding quality, reliability, and expert consultation services.

Experience The ZCast Advantage


Unrivaled Reliability
Quality Equipment
Streamlined Service
Reliable Streaming in 3 Simple Steps




Proven Success in Numbers


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Embrace the Future of Live Streaming

About us

Founded under the banner of Access1Solution, ZCast.tv is more than a service – it’s a vision. A vision of reliable, high-quality, accessible, and engaging live streaming for all. Our team of experts strive to provide the most robust and reliable live-streaming solutions, serving diverse industries with a commitment to excellence.

Who's Streaming with ZCast.tv


Frequently asked questions


What sets ZCast.tv apart from other live streaming service providers?

Our commitment to quality, our tailored solutions, and our exceptional customer service set us apart. We don’t just provide a service, we partner with you to ensure your live streaming success.

Can ZCast.tv handle large-scale live streaming events?

Absolutely ,ZCast.tv has the capability and experience to handle live streaming events of any size, from intimate private functions to large-scale public events with thousands of viewers.

What measures does ZCast.tv take to ensure the security of the streams?

 We prioritize the security of your content. We use state-of-the-art security protocols to ensure that your streams are safe from unauthorized access or any kind of digital threat.

Do you offer any trial period or demo?

Yes, we believe in our product and are happy to offer a free demo or trial period for you to experience the difference ZCast.tv can make. Please reach out to us for more details.

How does ZCast.tv ensure the quality of the live stream?

At ZCast.tv, we use advanced technology and high-performance equipment and servers to ensure smooth and high-quality streams. Our team constantly monitors live broadcasts to address any potential issues proactively.

What kind of support does ZCast.tv offer?

We pride ourselves on offering round-the-clock support for our customers. You can reach out to us via email, phone, or live chat and we’ll be there to assist you.

Can I stream on multiple platforms at once with ZCast.tv?

Yes, our solutions support multi-platform streaming. This means you can simultaneously broadcast your live event on various platforms such as YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

Do I need technical skills to use ZCast.tv?

Our streaming solutions are designed to be user-friendly, and we provide comprehensive guidance and support. You don’t need to be a technical wizard to use ZCast.tv.

What equipment do I need to start streaming with ZCast.tv?

We offer a variety of solutions, some of which require minimal equipment – However, for professional-grade streaming, we offer complete studio setup services, including hardware and software guidance, to fit your budget and needs.

What kind of events can ZCast.tv livestream?

ZCast.tv can livestream a wide range of events, from Annual General Meetings (AGMs), Company Anniversaries and Milestones, corporate conferences, Seminars, Town Hall Meetings, Workshops, Training, Product Launch Fire Side Chat and educational seminars to music events and even government Departments broadcasts. Our versatile solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each event.

Discover the Power of LiveStreaming

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Reach out to us and discover how ZCast.tv can make your live streaming vision come true.

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